Development of the battery for Assessing metaphonological skills in bilinguals (BAMBI) in the early stages of literacy in Brazil
bilingualism, biliteracy, phonological, awareness, batteryAbstract
Learning to read and write is closely linked to phonological awareness (PA), since mastering the written code requires reflection on the sounds of speech and their representation in writing. With the increase in the number of schools offering bilingual programs or curricula in Brazil, there is also a growing demand for research on biliteracy that takes into account the peculiarities of the Brazilian reality. Based on the above, this article aims to present the first stages of the development process of the Battery for Assessing Metaphonological skills in Bilinguals (BAMBI), which is currently being validated, for children in the literacy phase in Brazil. The BAMBI consists of a battery of tests in Portuguese and English that contains 5 subtests at the syllable level and 4 at the phoneme level. The protocol could help inform the practice of literacy in both languages, providing tools for professionals from a variety of fields, and may also be adopted in academic research in the areas of language, cognition and education.
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