O processamento do tópico no PB por crianças e adultos: Evidências Experimentais
Topic-comentary, brazilian portuguese, eye-tracking, adults, childrenAbstract
This study aimed to verify questions about the processing and acceptability of topiccommentary structures by children (elementary school level), based on the assumption that children would present the processing closer to the vernacular language (cf. Kato 2005), therefore, they would not be as influenced by grammatical tradition as adults. In an Eyetracking reading experiment, with university students as participants, Medeiros (2022b) found that during the on-line processing, readers were able to readily differentiate and process both topic-comment structures and subject-predicate structures. However, during 83 off-line processing, participants considered the topic-commentary as non-acceptable, especially Chinese-style topic structures, which are considered deviations by grammatical tradition. In the present study, it was found that the on-line processing of these structures occurred in a similar way to adults, with children presenting the same processing pattern and the same strategies through the parser. However, during off-line processing, children appear to accept structures that were rejected by adults in reading.
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