Bilingual processing of sentences with the gustar verb: contributions from the Input Processing Model and the Competition Model
Bilingual processing, verb gustar, input processing model, competition model.Abstract
Brazilian learners of Spanish often have difficulties acquiring and processing the verb gustar in Spanish. This paper aims to discuss the contributions of the Input Processing Model and the Competition Model to the acquisition, processing and use of the verb gustar by Brazilian learners. Therefore, based on bibliographical research, we briefly discuss bilingual sentence processing. Then, we present the assumptions of each of these models, which are different in nature. The Input Processing Model is innatist and the Competition Model is emergentist. Subsequently, we analyzed the syntactic-semantic characteristics of the verb gustar, considering the implications for the process of acquisition and processing by Brazilian learners, in view of the two models presented. The analysis showed that the processing models can complement each other and, by also taking into account aspects of acquisition, make it possible to broaden our understanding of learners' performance and identify ways of pedagogical intervention to help them in the acquisition and processing of the verb gustar.
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